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How do you clean the Youha breast pump?

How do you clean the Youha breast pump?

Cleaning the Youha breast pump is important for hygiene for you and your baby. Here are the steps to clean your Youha breast pump:

  1. Wash your hands: Always start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water before cleaning the Youha pump.

  2. Disassemble the stock : Take the Youha stock apart. This includes removing all loose parts, such as the breast shields, valves, hoses, diaphragms, valves and the motor. (obviously don't wash the engine)

  3. Rinse immediately after use: Rinse all parts that have come into contact with breast milk under lukewarm/warm running water immediately after use. This helps prevent the milk residue from drying up and becoming more difficult to clean.

  4. Wash with warm water and soap: Wash all parts thoroughly with warm/hot water and mild detergent. Use a brush or a special Youha bottle brush to clean the small openings and corners of the flask. NB! Never clean valves, membranes and other soft silicone materials with a ragger or cleaning brush. It is best to wash these by hand.

  5. Rinse thoroughly: Rinse all parts thoroughly with clean water to ensure no soap residue remains.

  6. (Optional) Disinfect: Sterilize or disinfect the breast pump parts. This can be done by immersing them in boiling water for about 4 minutes or by using a sterilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions. Some parts can also be sterilized in the microwave. Make sure you follow the correct method appropriate for the material of the parts. Make sure that parts are not in contact with the pan for too long, otherwise there is a chance that parts will melt.

  7. Allow to dry: Allow all parts to dry completely on a clean, dry surface or a clean tea towel. Avoid using cloths that leave lint behind as they can get stuck in the parts.

  8. Store in a clean storage bag or container: Store the dried parts in clean, sealed storage or a dedicated breast pump bag until you are ready to use them again. Make sure the storage area is also clean to prevent dirt or bacteria from getting into it.

If you pump more than once a day, it is an option to first rinse the pump parts with lukewarm/warm water and then with hot water after each pumping session. At the end of the day you should thoroughly clean the parts as described earlier.

1 comment on How do you clean the Youha breast pump?
  • Elles

    Bedankt voor deze heldere uitleg, het heeft mij geholpen bij het schoonmaken van de borstkolven. Dankje!

    September 13, 2023
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